Children’s Books by Jean Pouliot
Bernie and the Day the Icebergs Melted
Self-published in November 2018, Bernie and the Day the Icebergs Melted follows a groups of Arctic animals that have been impacted by the warming climate. Bernie and his friends — Bomber the Seagull, Willy the Otter, McKinley the Marmot and many others — band together to find out what is melting their icebergs and town glacier. The story takes the reader from the Arctic village of Turkertown to the shores of Marunda Beach in Indonesia to the very halls of the US Capitol, where the evil Senator Bilk is poised to thwart their plans.
Age: 3rd-8th grades
The Unsilly Gosling — a story about judging
Gertrude and Gustave Goose want to show their new clutch of goslings to their pondside neighbors. But every other creature offends them in one way or another. The goslings accept their parents’ opinions. All except for little Guven, who is unable to understand what the fuss and feathers is all about. One day, he will hear his fellow creatures speak for themselves!
Age: 5-8
I am A Tyrannosaurus rex — and other pOEms about dinosaurs
Kids love dinosaurs – the fiercer and weirder the better! I am a Tyrannosaurus Rex! tells of a dozen common dinosaurs and relatives, sprinkling nuggets of new scientific wisdom along with sight gags, to help kids learn about these fabulous beasts. Could dinos have sported feathers? How did they protect themselves? What were their habits? Did they use toothpicks and wear sunglasses? Where did they go—or are they still among us?
The best tourtière in the world (Due December 2023)
A young French lad dreams of travel and adventure. When he gets his wish via a trip to New France, his homesickness is so powerful he can taste it. Only the taste of his mother’s pork pie can steady his nerves and uphold his resolve.
Age: 6 and up.
Aurora’s Last Dance (publication target: November 2023)
This is a version of the Bernie and the Day the Icebergs Melted for adult and teen readers. The book is written in verse, and follows much the same story as the kids’ version. But there’s way more wordplay and allusions, making it a fun and fast-paced read.
Age: 13 and up.